Just a quick video on how to implement a simple, somewhat accurate Sleep(ms) function! It's not perfectly accurate and doesn't keep time accurately, the RTC is more suited to that! This is good for simple timekeeping where it is not time-sensitive. :) I made a few mistakes in this video but I fixed them, I hope it's not too hard to follow! ➤Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/p2JYhr9 ➤Useful Links: https://wiki.osdev.org/Programmable_Interval_Timer ➤Github: https://github.com/Absurdponcho/PonchoOS/tree/Episode-20-PIT ➤Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PonchoYT 0:00 Intro 0:30 Declare funcs + vars 3:25 SetDivisor() 5:00 Frequency Functions 5:35 Tick() 5:50 Sleep() Functions 6:43 Interrupt Handler 7:53 Testing 9:40 Success! 9:55 More tinkering